Because I love Ryan, here goes!
I think that the 30 mins before your SAT scores come out are worse than the 30mins before taking the SAT because my sister gives a running commentary on how many more minutes before the scores are out. At least before you take the test, you can stop yourself from checking the time by looking at all the ppl and seeing who (It's a great hobby of mine.) You can't exactly stop a sister's mouth.
I love shocking my sister. She was w/ me the moment I checked my scores and went crazy. She started PACING and omg-ing 30x. The best part...she lay down on the
floor freaking out.
My mom is a genius. She told me she got 7 A's out of 8 when she was in high school. Guess what she didn't get an A in? Biology.
Welcome to the "I hate science" family.
I submitted 2 of 4 of my college applications this wk. Please pray that I'll get accepted AND win a scholarship at the right place. It's more than doing well...I need God! :)
I'm surviving at work. Malay is a big problem, ugh.
In case you're wondering,
I'm still studying. Two more exams in May! &they're a lot harder than SATs. Don't say "yeah right"!
I'm starting to doubt whether I made the right decisions so please back me.
I will stay strong. :) "Courage is not the absence of fear but the judgment that something is more important than fear." ---Ambrose Redmoon